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Zo verkruimelt het koekje

Booklet as part of an art project by Babette Wagenvoort. The project
was realised for a new section of primary school ‘De Buutplaats’.
A school within the neighbourhood Schilderswijk in the Hague.
For half a year, Babette collected proverbs of every possibe language
on the website nieuwenederlandse-spreekwoorden.nl. Translated
into Dutch, these proverbs could turn into new Dutch proverbs (such
as ‘zo
verkruimelt het koekje’, which is a translation of ‘that’s
the way the cookie crumbles’).
From this collection Babette chose 27 to work with. The resulting
illustrations were produced on enamel plates, with around forty of
these plates hung in the primary school. The red and white plates
should be viewed as images in their own right, telling their own
story. Their origin turned irrelevant.
The design of the booklet takes inspiration from school notebooks,
and contains all the proverbs realised in the enamel. The children
of ‘De
Buutplaats’ all received a complimentary copy of the booklet
at the opening. The invitation for the opening was made out of sticker
material, so that the proverbs could be stuck on the children’s
notebooks, making them more aware of them.
client . Babette Wagenvoort
author and image. Babette
print . Rosbeek

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