work . information . contact

 rieme . graphic design
independent graphic designer Rieme Gleijm
Graphic Design is about visual communication. A design does not
only assemble information, but adds something to it. The design
gives face to the content. It makes you want to pick it up, makes
it legible to read, translating the information in an accesssible & attractive

. read . arrange

What do you want to say and which is the best way to do it? To help
the content
and design strengthen each other I need to know the subject. What
are the essential points that have to come forward? What is the character
of the information? Which content is already available? From these
elements originates a concept that forms the basis for the design.

content . concept . shape

To create a design from concept I find it important to be involved
through the whole design process. From the initial idea to final
product. I specialize in designing through to print, especially editorial
design (books, catalogues, reports, brochures...). In combination
with providing a good solution of text and image, the form should
be defined by the choice of materials. The result will create an
object itself beyond the surface 
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