work .
information . contact


Independent designer, The Hague
since 10 . 2004


Post graduate course (MA) Communication Art and Design, Royal College
of Art, London
1999 - 2001
made possible by the support of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds with
a contribution from the Young Talent Fund and by the Stichting Fundatie
van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude
full time course Graphic and Typographic design, Royal Academy of
Art, The Hague
1994 - 1998

work experience  Graphic designer, studio Thonik, Amsterdam
2001 - 2004
1998 - 1999 . internships
Studio Gonnissen en Widdershoven (now Thonik), Amsterdam
Irma Boom, Amsterdam
Studio Dumbar, The Hague 
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