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Voorzorg voor...

The book ‘Voorzorg voor voedsel- en productveiligheid. Een kijkje in de toekomst’ (Precaution for the safety of food and products. A glimpse into the future) is the outcome of an exploration of the future by the Office for Risk Assessment of the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. The book lays out a combination of scientific and creative points of view to show which technological innovations are likely to become part of our daily society within the next couple of years. Besides that the book reflects on the question how to deal with the possible risks of these innovative products.
The cover shows a sum of essential words, in gradations, that support the titel. The different parts of the book are indicated by the ‘thump’ prints on the side, also in gradations. Besides that the start of a chapter, the scenario’s of the future and the discussed technologies are emphasised by starting with a colour page.
client . Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit
author . Freija van Duijne
editor . Antje Visser
illustrations . Babette Wagenvoort (drawings) and Barbara Smeenk (photography)
print . Ando

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