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A safe place

An international system of disaster pictograms. Gert and Derk Dumbar began this
project with the intention of creating a system of pictograms universally recognizable
across the world. Thereby limiting casualties in times of disasters.
By visually representing warnings and giving information in visually clear and
unambiguous ways the system aims to create a visual language beyond the limits
of language, literacy, and culture. The present set is based upon Western visual
culture, since this is our cultural background, but it is the intention for them
to form a basis of further research on the functionality of such systems and
to create further adaptions.
The first set of pictograms were presented during the ‘Utrecht Manifest’,
with the second set shown at Stroom Den Haag within the series ‘After Neurath’.
client . Derk Dumbar
design . Derk Dumbar en Rieme Gleijm
research . Gerda Blees
print booklet . Ando

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