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Schoone eenheid

The book is a survey of the architectural movement known as the ‘Nieuwe
Haagse School’ (The New Hague School). A unique style that you see in buildings
and in the layout of neighbourhoods of this period (1920 - 1940).
The project was begun by Victor Freijser out of love for this architectural period.
Though he sadly died before completing the project Victor did see the design
for the book, and it was eventually published through the efforts of Marcel Teunissen,
Rainer Bullhorst, and the publisher De Nieuwe Haagsche.
We developed the basic structure of the book: the cover, endpapers, the layout
of the introductory images, the titlepages, and the grid for the layout. As in
the style of the architecture, the base for the design is sober, but with details.
In this way the design connects with the essence of the architectural style without
being a replica.
client . De Nieuwe Haagsche / Victor Freijser
design . i.c.w. Derk Dumbar
author . Marcel Teunissen / Victor Freijser
photography . Peter de Ruig
layout . De Nieuwe Haagsche (Laurens van den Bergh)
print . Koninklijke De Swart

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